Individual, Junior, Life, and Foreign Membership

In order to apply for membership into the FBDCA, you will need to have two current members sponsor you as part of the application process.  Once you have two sponsors, please follow these steps:

1) Print, complete, and sign a FBDCA Membership Application, and be sure to answer all questions. Each individual must fill out an application and complete all steps.  (Spouses/Partners should NOT use a single application.)
2) Have your two sponsors fill out and sign the FBDCA Sponsor Questionnaire
3) Print and sign the FBDCA Code of Ethics,
4) Combine your completed and signed application, sponsor form, and code of ethics, along with a check for $25 (made out to the FBDCA) per individual (not household), and mail to:

Adrienne Soler
206 Smedley Rd.
Royalton, VT 05068

Your application will be posted for one month in the Members Section of our website for input from the membership.  After this period your application will be considered at the first quarterly board meeting after the month of posting ends.  Your application is available for review by any FBDCA member in good standing. Letters and comments submitted by members will be reviewed by the Board. You will be notified of the results.

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